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How to Use the Change Column Values in Tagged Lines Feature




The Change Column Values in Tagged Lines Feature (or just the Change Tagged Feature, for short) allows you to quickly change the values in a single column of all of the tagged records.


The Change Tagged dialog box is a simplified version of the Replace dialog box that always works on the tagged records instead of the newly-found records. You may use the Find, Cross Reference, Sort, or other features to determine which records to tag, and then use the Change Tagged dialog box. The Change Tagged dialog box always changes all the tagged records at once, as contrasted with the Replace dialog box which you may review the records one-at-a-time. If you need more power than the Change Tagged dialog box provides, use the Replace feature, which can do everything Change Tagged can and more.



Using the Change Tagged Feature:


1. Go to the list in which you want to make changes, and tag the records you want to change. You may wish to use Find or Cross Reference, and then Tag All, to tag the appropriate records easily if there are many records in the list.


2. Go to the field/column in which you want to change the values. In some cases (such as Bid or Price Book Items), you may need to go to the Form (by choosing Edit in Form from the Tools menu) in order to see a field that is not shown in the List window.


3. Bring up the Change Tagged dialog box by selecting Change Column Values… from the Tag menu.


4. Select what kind of change you want in the Change By combo box. You can just replace the contents the fields, or you may want to multiply their values by some number, or even round costs off to the nearest dollar.


5. In the Value field, enter the new value of the field, or the multiplier, etc., to be used by the Change By operator you just selected in the previous step.


6. Press the Change button to change the values of all the tagged records all at once.





Here are some things you can do with Change Tagged Values:


o Change all tagged Item's units to "EA".

o Raise prices (Add) by an amount 1.00.

o Raise prices by a percentage +10% (Multiply By 1.10).

o Multiply tagged Bid Item Quantities by 2.



See Also: How to Use the Replace Feature




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