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Budget List




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Budgets are a set of item accumulators specially designed to provide a summary Report and to interface with accounting programs. Often you will want to set up Budgets to correspond to the checks you will need to write to pay suppliers and subcontractors, sometimes more than one check (at different times) to the same company.


The Job Costing, Quicken and QuickBooks Interfaces export Budget information in an ASCII form that can be imported by a variety of job costing and accounting programs.


You may also obtain Reports giving totals for each Budget.


Columns in the List:


Tag Specify certain items for changing and reporting.


Code Up to eight characters can be used to specify a budget. This is the code which you will see in the Item if you tie the Item to this budget.


Description Up to 30 characters


Acctg Code This is the Accounting Code that you will use and is sent from estimating into your accounting system.


Total Cost This is the cost amount of all the items that have been assigned to a budget code. You may enter an overriding amount and all the items which belong with this budget will be changed on a percentage basis.


Total Price This is the total amount of the costs plus the Global Markups from the second group on the Markup List.



In addition, you will have additional scheduling fields in your list. These allow you to use Budgets as scheduling Activities.


Unit Accumulation or Scheduling feature, the following fields will be added to your list:


Unit Order Unit for which to accumulate Order Quantities, such as "HR" for hours. May be left blank if there is no common unit for this Budget.


Order Qty Gives you the total Order Quantity for all Bid Item Cost Columns which are assigned to this Budget and have the same unit (regardless of upper- or lower-case letters) as entered for this Budget. This is often used to count total hours, man-hours, or days of labor (or equipment use) for the Budget, but can also be used to total materials with the same order units.


 If the Unit is left blank, the Order Quantity (and the Unit Cost and Unit Price) will be zero, and shown as a blank in the List window.


Unit Cost The Unit Cost for a Budget is equal to its Total Cost divided by its Order Quantity. Note that the other costs may be in the Budget that did not add in the Budget Order Quantity, so care should be taken in interpreting this number.


Unit Price The Unit Price is its Total Price divided by its Order Quantity. Again, note that the other prices may be in the Budget that did not add in the Budget Order Quantity, so care should be taken in interpreting this number.


If you want to display all the items that make up a Total amount, select Cross-Reference from the Tools menu.


How to use Budgets in an Item.


1. When in an Item, move to the Budget area in the Item.

2. Press the List Key F7 to get to the Budget List.

3 If you want to enter a new Budget, move to end and enter a new Budget. If you want to Use (pullback) that budget into the Item you came from, then follow the next step.

4. Once you have a budget highlighted and want to Use (pullback) that budget into the Item you came from, click the Right Mouse Button and select "Use" or press the Use Key F8.




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