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Lesson 4: Entering Items in the Bid Item List




We are now ready to begin entering Items into our new Bid. Let's begin by adding a few Items the same way you would on paper. Then we’ll learn how to pull back Items from the Price Book.


While in the Bid Item List, click on Add New in the Description column to highlight that column and type 8d Nails (8d stands for ‘8 Penny Nail) this is a Bid specific Item (an Item not added to our Price Book). More on Price Book Items-your item database latter.


Now click in the Bid Qty column and type 2 , then press Enter.


This will take you to the Bid Unit column. Type LB.


Finally click in the "Mat. Unit Raw Cost" column, type .81 and press Enter. Notice that the total cost in the lower let hand corner of the Bid already has the correct total cost in it. All changes are automatically totaled unless you have Auto totaling turned off.


Now lets add our second Bid specific Item (another Item not in our Price Book) to our Bid. Click on Add New and type Exterior Paint.


Click on the Quantity column. Now lets click on the Calculator button () on the top Toolbar to see how to use it. You can either type or click on the number buttons 1500* .002 (the asterisk is the times symbol). Click the = button then click on the Use button (). This will bring the answer back into your Bid.


Now for some fun. Click on the Bid Unit column. Now click on the List button () on the top tool bar. A list of all current units is displayed. Let's add gallon to the list by scrolling down the list until you see Add New. Click on Add New and type GALLON.


Click on the Code column and type GA , then press Enter. Now click on the Use button on the top tool bar to place that abbreviation into the Bid Unit column for that Item.


Finally we need to click on the Mat. Unit Raw Cost column and type 15.50 and press Enter.


We’ve done a lot so far, now would be a good time to save our Bid.




Continue to next lesson: Adding Items to the Price Book.




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