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Bid Item Quantity




A numeric value that tells how many of a particular item based on the Bid Item Unit of measure, i.e., linear feet, square feet, each, etc. The quantity is then multiplied times the unit cost to obtain the total cost including any Class Markups in the first part of the Markups List. If there is a blank or zero in the quantity and you enter a Unit Cost, then a "one" will automatically be entered. You may use the Calculator to change the quantity.


Note: Rounding the Bid Item Quantity - If you enter a quantity with a decimal, the quantity will stay what you entered but the total dollars will be adjusted as if the quantity was rounded to the next highest number. This will allow you to see what you entered but will not underbid because the cost will be rounded up.


See Also: Zero quantities, Bid Item List,Bid Item Form




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