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Text Menu




The Text Menu (off the Edit menu) will allow you to:


Undo This will undo the last text change.


Restore Field If you want to revert to changing the entire field back before the changes, then use this command.


Cut By cutting the highlighted text into Windows Clipboard, you can move it to a different place by using the Paste command below.


Copy By copying the highlighted text into Windows Clipboard, you can make additional copies of it by using the Paste command below.


Paste Once text is in the clipboard by cutting or copying then you can place it by using this command. Once pasted, it is not erased from the clipboard so additional "pastes" may be performed. "Paste" can only hold the last copied or cut text.


Clear Clear will erase the text "under" the highlight. Use Undo to restore.


Clear Field This will erase the information highlighted or not, in the field.


Select Entire Field

 Use this to highlight the complete field. (This is usually done automatically when you select a field.)


See Also:  Editing and Typing.




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