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Division & Subdivision List




This List shows the accumulated dollars of all the bid items assigned by Item Code to a Division or a Subdivision.


If you change the total amount, all the item costs within that Division/Subdivision will be changed by the correct percentage.


Divisions The largest and highest summary level of costs in your Price Book. Each one contains 10 subdivisions which include items. Divisions help you organize and index your subdivisions.


Subdivisions The next level of cost or part number organization. Each subdivision is part of a Division and consists of Items.


Basic Columns in the List:


Tag  Mark entire Divisions and Subdivisions by Tagging them.


Div Code

or Sub Code This is the first part of an Item Code to identify a Division or a Subdivision.


Description Enter a description that describes a cost center.


Total Cost This is the cost amount of all the items that have been assigned to a budget code. You may enter an overriding amount and all the items which belong with this budget will be changed on a percentage basis.


Total Price This is the total amount of the costs plus the Global Markups from the second group on the Markup List.


If you want to see which items were used to calculate an amount, highlight it, and select Cross Reference from the Tools menu.




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