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Bid Total




The total of the bid will be displayed in the middle of the bottom line of the window. It will show the Cost, Price and then the Total of the Bid. If "Shown" is displayed, then this is NOT the total of the Bid but of a subset of all the Items. There are several menu options that effect the showing of this bid total.



Find and Show only allows you to search the column and displays only those records (lines) which match the search criteria. When this occurs the Bid Total will change to "Shown", indicating that the total is only for the Group of Records (lines) displayed.


Auto-Calculate off the Bid Menu toggles to enable/disable the automatic bid calculation. You will notice a difference in speed in larger bids because the system does not have to re-calculate the bid each time a change is made. Always Recalculate a bid and check for omissions and the calculations before you give a quote.


Under the View Menu off the Main Menu, you may toggle the Bid Cost and the Bid Price to show/not show on the bottom window line.


YOUR COST = Raw Cost + Class Cost Type Markups




See Also: How the System Calculates Costs/Prices, Cost Type List




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