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Bid List




The Bid List will display a list of your bids which have been stored on the disk. By going to the Bid Form, the other columns displayed will be explained. You may Sort or Find Bids in this List and then work on the highlighted one by pressing the Use F8 Key.


Tag The tag column is used to narrow the list by marking only the bids you want to see or delete.


Bid Code A unique bid code identifies each bid.


Description Enter any bid name for future identification.


# of Items Total number of Bid Items in the Bid. 


Rev Date This is the last date of any changes to the Bid.


Total Cost  The total amount which the project costs. You may not change it here since it is a summary of all the items in the bid. You can however change a whole group of item costs by going to the Bid, and into any summary List and changing the total amount. Then the individual item costs in that group will be back computed by the correct percentage.


Percent This is the percentage based on the Cost and Price.


Markup Amt. The total amount of markups from the Markup List. Again, in order to change this amount, you must go to the Markup List.


Total Price This is calculated by adding your Cost + Markup amounts. This figure is your customer's price and must be changed in the Bid Item List.



See Also: Getting Started Help, General Information, Tag Column, How to Delete a Bid, How to Enter a New Bid, How to Copy a Bid, How to go to an Existing Bid, Bid Categories




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