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Item Description




The Item is the basic element of a Bid. It can a part which needs to be ordered or a task that needs to have a cost. It has costs attached to it and is the basis for all costing work in the system.


You may enter up to 75 characters to describe it. A very good suggestion which should not go unheeded is: When building your item, place the most detailed part of it first and the general part of it last, i.e., "Red Mustang car" not Car - Mustang-Red.


When changing this item in the bid, it is called a bid specific item and the item won't be changed in the Price Book. However, you may later use the update option on the Bid Menu to make the Bid Item the same as the Price Book item.


See Also: Item information, Item Code, How to Bid Items, Bid Item List,Bid Item Form 




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