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Locations may be assigned in Item Selection, and changed at any time in the Bid Item List or Form.


The Code and Description of each Location is stored in your Price Book, for convenient re-use in your Bids. The Location of each Bid Item, and the total cost and price of all Bid Items in the given Location is stored with your Bids.


Locations can be used to group Items for reporting.


You may also cross-reference a Location to the Bid Items which are in that Location by highlighting the Location and selecting Cross Reference from the Tools menu.


Assemblies are built with "default" Locations which they are normally used in. These Locations can be changed at Assembly selection time depending on where the Assemblies are actually employed.


Tip: For a Bid-specific accumulator like Locations, use the Bid Item’s Miscellaneous (Misc.) column. You can get Reports sorted by the Misc. column, much like Location Reports, and a Bid-specific pop-up list of Miscellaneous entries is available in the Misc. field.




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